Sunday, March 20, 2011


Some say that ignorance is bliss - but it is not.

To live in ignorance, is to live a life without depth.

Growing up in the United States they teach us to be proud to live in America.

By the age of 5 our schools had us pledging to the flag.

And as we grew older they told us to support the militaty

No matter what, without question.

They tell us to be proud,

To respect our troops because they are representing us.

But as long as someone is killing, destroying, and making people suffer in the name of America,

the place I live, I will only feel shame.

The T.V echoes that the war is just, noble, for our safety, and is for the best of intentions.

That the Americans are going to liberate the people, and bring freedom to a far-away land that knows no democracy.

In the name of liberation they have bombed cities, destroyed homes, broken up families, wounded and killed men, woman, and children.

Like the 4 year old girl who died after a cluster bomb exploded in her neighborhood,

or the father and kids who were shot inside a "terrorist" van.

In the name of freedom, people are living in total fear and complete insecurity - wondering when the next bomb will drop, and who will be the next to go.

The T.V shows no sign of destruction.

We don't hear their cries, or see their wounds, or see the damage that has been done.

To mainstream news, the U.S is always justified.

They want us to see the world through a red, white, and blue scope which is narrow and distorted.

They want us to keep our views within the border of nationality - and to believe that an American life, is somehow more important and precious than any other.

They want us to only see the one sided story that the T.V projects, through our living room.

But once you know the truth there is no going back to blind-pride.

We must open our eyes and see the atrocities that are happening by people, claiming to represent us.

Looking down on Earth from the cosmos there are no divisions - it is one solid connected planet.

This is why we must tear down the superficial boundaries which separate us, and expand our compassion to all of humanity.

Words of the Wind

A story to be told is floating in the winds that shake the trees,
and the rain which renews and replenishes the earth.
The secret is in the wind, whispering the eternal truth of life.
If one were to sit still - with a quiet mind - and listen to the trees,
the secret shall enfold, as the flower perfumes sweet truths to the one who cares to know.
In all life there is love, as it is love that brings life.

In Awe of Life

How extraordinary it is that we are alive on earth; temporarily we live, like the many creatures before us.
It's funny to think that it is just the same as all of the generations before, yet every moment is brand new, completely unique.
Us humans were meant to live for so much more, but we've been caught in the pattern of the generations before us.
It's funny how I am ( and many others are) caught between feeling so ashamed of humans behavior, and yet so overwhelmingly joyous to be alive on such an incredible planet.
I am so completely over-the-moon in love with life. Which is why I feel so compelled to change this monstrous society.
If there is a will there is a way, they say, and trust me there is a will.
The vision is there.

Thank you sun, Thank you earth, Thank you moon, and Thank you Universe in all of your complex entirety for the order which has created this phenomenon called life.