Friday, December 31, 2010

From the heart, to humanity.

How can this monstrous society change?

Individuals make up society, so in order for society to change, we must change.
We must find a different way to look at life. To see living for what it really is!
Life isn't suppose to be miserable. Life is suppose to be marvelous, precious, beautiful. Everywhere you look on earth, in nature, it is pure outstanding beauty. All of the creatures and plants - beautiful. Human behavior - repulsive.
We live so illogically. Failing to see the connection to each other, and to the universe.
Why does the human species have to suffer any longer? We are creating our own suffering!
Living so egotistically and shallow.
Always trying to distract ourselves from our own sorrow, through entertainment.
Life does not have to be this way, and we need to change!

Will love change the world? How does one spread the love? A smile, vibrations, words? Is ones very existence able to radiate love and truth without words - simply being?
How do you show love, while at the same time expose people to the reality of our society?
Obviously we can't live in the delusion that everything is all right in the world, when it's not. We must see the way we are living as it is. And at the same time see life for what it is - a wonderful, beautiful, precious trip of consciousness. We are a very unique part of the universe.

Some would say the universe all ready has a plan laid out. My question to that is, if you are aware there needs to be change, don't you have a certain responsibility? I know sitting around waiting for change is just a delusion that too many people have. It's true that you only have control of your own being, you can't make anyone else change. Therefore you must really know yourself before you can spread this love and truth. "Find yourself first, and then your talent" Jimi Hendrix says. So perhaps, know yourself first, so the energy can flow.
I don't want to be caught, putting my energy in the wrong direction. I know the real revolution will not be brought about through any organization, or political change. The real revolution will happen in our minds. The real revolution, is the revolution of the psyche.

Eternity is real. Eternity is the universe, beyond life. And we are a living part of it.

Life is what it is

Every individual has their own idea of what life is.
Some live their lives so shallow, so narrow. As though running in one direction aimlessly.
Quick to go nowhere - the RUSH, and then you die.
We all die.
It is inevitable. This is life, and this is how it is, how it's suppose to be. The mathematically correct outcome.
Life and death are together. One. You can't have one without the other.
So why be afraid of what is life?

We are energy and matter flowing through time. living, breathing, on an astonishing sphere of matter.
We are the product of the universe. We are the universe's consciousness.
We are all of the beauty it contains because we are not separate from it.
Life is what it is.
and we must be alive every moment, without slipping back into the rut of mindless patterns.

A Poem of words

What are words
but noises,
that move
with time
and have emphasis
on breath and
throat vibrations

or strokes
of pen,
and loops of lines
on paper?

The word is not the thing.

Bold as love

He is an angel,
maybe unreal,
as though he were too good to be true,
as though he were just an illusion in my head.

but he is real
and he is bold as love.

Vessels and patterns, is all we are.

What is your body, other than another body on the solid and liquid earth, floating in space?
Time is nothing in comparison to the trillions of years it took to make the universe.
I am nothing but a vessel, in a vessel, in a vessel, in an immeasurable vessel.
And this is life.
My time here is temporary,
but it is real. Very very real.

A wish of a lifetime

I want to live out of dumpsters and feed off of corporate waste.
I want to see capitalism dissolve, and collectivity to flourish.
I want everyone to feel the love of the universe.
I want to be free, sane, and healthy in this sick sick society.
I want to see the people in revolt against what we have let the system do over the past hundreds of years.
I want to be surrounded by serious people - who are joyous too, we can dance, and laugh, and sing.

I want to see the change in my lifetime.
Is it near?

It's all beyond me.


The true definition of an angel, I have learned, is a human being who lives on earth like it is heaven. Someone who is truly alive, and aware of this extraordinary thing called life. Angels are exceptionally beautiful, innocent, and kind, on the inside and out. I think we should all strive to be angels, because heaven does not happen after you die, heaven is now. If us humans lived life to its greatest potential, earth would be a very wonderful place for all creatures. So what are we waiting for, wake up and live now!